Saturday, March 27, 2010

Sunday 28th March 2010 8:30 PM

Hi blog buddies, it's been AGES since my last post so I decided what the hell, I may as well write another one.So yesterday, I was shopping with my sister, and I was in the DVD aisle looking for a specific Doctor Who DVD, the Christmas 2006 special called Runaway Bride. So I found it, but there was only one left. I went to grab it, but someone took it before me, I looked up to see Lord Voldemort holding the DVD I wanted!

I was like "HOLY CRAP IT'S FREAKING VOLDEMORT WHAT THE HELL GIVE ME THAT DVD YOU FLAT NOSED CREEP!" and I tried to grab the DVD off him, but he's freaking tall and held it above his head and was laughing at me.

"You want the DVD? Then you'll have to fight me for it!" said Voldemort. So I pulled out my wand (don't ask where it came from) and we started duelling all epic style.

Then Voldemort pointed his wand at my sister (yeah she's still standing there) and was all like "Avada Kedavra biatch!" and my sister died.

So then I was like "HOLY CRAP YOU KILLED MY SISTER...I LOVE YOU!" So that is the story of how Voldy and I became bffs and he gave me the DVD because I told him how much I loved David Tennant.

Oh yeah, and here is a picture of me posing with an Indian Chief in Homers Restaurant!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sunday 23rd November, 9:22PM

Hey blog buddies!

I know, I know, I haven't updated in AGES! But to make up for it, I'm going to give you an excerpt from my awesome new Doctor Who fanfic that I am writing!!

Here it is:

"Maya! Get in the TARDIS! Now!" yelled the Doctor, suddenly skidding to a halt and pushing me forward.

"Wait, what about you?" I cried.

"Don't worry, I'll get rid of them! Just go before they can get you!" the Doctor replied.

"No, I'm not going to leave you!" I insisted, walking back towards him, he grabbed me by the shoulders.

"When I first agreed to take you with me you PROMISED to do what I told you to do! Now go!" he said, pushing me forward again, just as they came around the corner. This time I obeyed.

Da da daaaaaa!

Yeah, that is freaking awesome.

So the other day, I was at my friend's house when I mentioned that I had never had my hair straightened before. They all gasped and hyperventilated and all and then insisted that they straighten my hair (they didn't have to beg).

So I get my hair straightened, and I look in the mirror and I'm like "OMG I look so cool OMGOMG!" and my friends are like "OMGOMG you look so pretty OMG!" and then my friend with the straightener tripped over.

It would have been ok if the straightener was turned off, but no it wasn't. My friend is all like "AAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHH IT BURNS IT BURNS!!!!!" and everyone is running around screaming, and then I run and grab a bucket of cold water (don't ask where it came from) and I throw it over my friend and then she turns into the wicked witch of the west and is like "I'M MELTING, I'M MELTING!" and then she melts and everyone is running around screaming again and then I find some chocolate cake, and everyone shuts up and we eat the chocolate cake and everything is ok again.

Yeah, my life is awesome.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Thursday 20th August, 9:38PM

Hey hey hey guys!

Wait, have I already used that intro?? Bah, who cares?

Anywho, so today was another epic day in the AnimeVampireChic series. Well, it was in my imagination, anyway.

So I had to go home from school early today, because I had a doctors appointment, which meant that I had to miss out on trials for rep sport (oh dear, what a shame *sarcasm*). So I was sitting in the school office all innocently, waiting for my mum to arrive, when a guy in a balaclava jumps into the office randomly and points a gun at me and he's like: "Give me all your money, or I'll shoot!".

And I was like, totally freaking out! And I'm like: "Dude, I don't have any money, I swear! You can have my Morning Glory pencil sharpener instead?", but then he says: "I don't believe you!", so he starts shooting bullets at me, and I have to do all these awesome kung fu moves to dodge the bullets.

So then Doctor Who (the David Tennant one) runs into the room, and he points his screw driver thing at the balaclava guy and says: "Put the gun down, unless you want me to press this button!" and the balaclava guy obviously doesn't watch Doctor Who, so he's like: "Dude, that's a screw driver! What's that gonna do to me?" And so then the Doctor presses the button and some blue lightening bolt thing zaps the balaclava guy and he's full like: "AAAAARRRGGGGGGHHHHH!!" and then he explodes into nothingness.

Yeah, just another normal day for the awesome AnimeVampireChic.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wednesday 19th August 8:18

Hey kids, it's Barney! I love you!

Nah jokes, it's Joanna, but I still love you ;)

So anyway, today I went to my fourth drama lesson of the term, and yeah, it was pretty damn epic.

It all started fine when my group was rehearsing our skit to perform to the whole class, until huge tidal wave hit the classroom and smashed the roof, flooding the room.

Everyone was running around screaming and shizz, and then another tidal wave hit and the water was so high that the shorter people were totally submerged, so the two tallest people, me and a guy that I like to refer to as MSW, were the only ones with our heads above water!

So MSW and I were swimming around trying to find everyone that had been pushed under and bring them to higher ground - the staircase across the courtyard.

When we had brought everyone there and we were waiting for everyone to regain consciousness, MSW took my hand and said that he thought I was really brave and I said that I thought he was braver, and then he told me that he had always loved me, and took me in his arms and I said that I loved him too, and then...

I woke up. Damn, I forgot that no hot guy would ever love me.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tuesday 18th August 7:37PM

Oh hello there, ready for anther blog? No? Oh well, to bad.

So anyway, today I decided to check my emails for the first time in ages, and guess how many I got?

That's right, 261.

And guess who they're all from?

That's right, Youtube Service.

I'm that cool.

So moving on, I was talking to a really cute guy at the shops today, and unfortunately I had forgotten to shave my legs this morning. Not a pretty picture, I know.

So I'm like desperately trying to say witty things so that he would focus on my face and not look down and see my gorilla legs, and I was going pretty well until I realized that I hadn't shaved my girl-stache either. Yeah, that should be on

Just wanted to clarify that most of these blogs are not true and should not be taken seriously, I do not have gorilla legs or a girl-stache and my teacher did not accuse my of stealing her boyfriend last Sunday.

Ok, so that should be enough for one blog, see ya!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Monday 17th August 4:43

Hey hey hey it's me again!

So I went to the shops yesterday, and my teacher was there! I know, right? So she came up to me and was like: "You think you're clever, huh? You think it's cool to steal my boyfriend?"

And that was really random and I was like "Dude, your old enough to be my mum! Why the hell would I steal your boyfriend?"

And it went on like this:

Teacher: I know it was you, don't try and deny it!
Me: Look woman, I don't even have a boyfriend!
Teacher: That's just what you want me to think! I saw you and him yesterday!
Me: Geez, I didn't go anywhere near your damn boyfriend!
Teacher: Oh yeah? I defintely remember seeing you yesterday!
Me: Yeah, you saw me at school Miss Grassthorn!!
Teacher: What?
Me: Dude, your my teacher!
Teacher: Oh sorry, I knew I'd seen you somewhere I thought it was you.

*exit teacher*

Yeah, that was one f**ked up day.

So moving on, I got 5 littlest pet shop pets to put on my dressing table and never touch again (jokes), and I named two of them after merlin characters, one of them after Miley Cyrus, another after Elvis's wife and the other after a Korean singer. Yeah, I'm that cool.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Thursday 13th August, 9:05PM

Hey guys I know it's been like a month since I last wrote here because I'm a slacker. Or because I'm busy. Nah I think it's the first one.

So last night, I stayed up until one friggin thirty in the morning doing this research task thing that was due in today because I'm such a slacker that I didn't do it until then so yeah, I'm pretty dang tired, especially because I woke up again at friggin three and had to get up at about six. Yeah, I'm that (un)cool.

Anywho, so now on top of the many stories I'm writing at the moment, I'm also creating my own TV show. Who knows, maybe one day it will be on TV (I wish)! It's based on BBC's Merlin (swoons) which I LOVE! Especially Arthur, though Merlin is awesome too.

Which reminds me, I'm also writing a Merlin fanfic. It's about some poor chick called Rohesia who kidnaps Prince Arthur and holds him for ransom so she can get money to make her gravely ill mother get better, and Rohesia and Arthur end up falling in love. And yes, I'm pro at explaining stories.